I consider myself to be very lucky because I live together with the best psychologist / life coach in the world. He is the most enthusiastic, the most passionate and the most optimistic creature I’ve ever met. He is my dog Toby.
Toby never dwells on his past or worries about his future. He was born understanding that his purpose in life is to play, to love and to be happy.
I believe if humans were to adopt at least some of his strategies and philosophies, there would be many more happy people in this world.
I would like to share with you a few of Toby’s strategies together with some ideas on what humans can learn from them:
Toby’s strategy # 1: Never let your favourite humans out of sight.
What humans can learn from it: Spend as much time as possible with your loved ones – they are precious.
Toby’s strategy # 2: If you really want something, like a toy or a treat, make lots of noise.
What humans can learn from it: If you really want something, like a raise at work or more attention from your spouse, ask for it; don’t expect that others will read your mind.
Toby’s strategy # 3: Never skip the afternoon nap.
What humans can learn from it: Rest is important. Take a few minutes every day to close your eyes and meditate.
Toby’s strategy # 4: Always be ready to go outside.
What humans can learn from it: Most people are stuck inside all day. Make sure to get out every day to get some fresh air and some sunshine.
Toby’s strategy # 5: Water is the best drink in the world.
What humans can learn from it: Skip sugary drinks and drink lots of water.
Toby’s strategy # 6: Dandelions taste best in spring.
What humans can learn from it: Eat more seasonal fruits and veggies.
Toby’s strategy # 7: Roll in the grass.
What humans can learn from it: Go to your backyard or to a park; take off your shoes and walk on the grass. If you are really adventurous, lie down on the grass and look at the sky.
Toby’s strategy # 8: Jump for joy.
What humans can learn from it: Do not suppress your emotions; if you are happy – dance!
Toby’s strategy # 9: Greet strangers as if they were about to become your best friends.
What humans can learn from it: Don’t pre-judge anyone.
Toby’s strategy # 10: Keep a stash of kibble under the bed.
What humans can learn from it: Always have a healthy snack with you; you never know when you get hungry.
Toby’s strategy # 11: A day at a doggie spa is not a luxury – it’s a necessity.
What humans can learn from it: Do something nice for yourself regularly.
Toby’s strategy # 12: Guard your territory.
What humans can learn from it: Don’t let negative people into your space.
Toby’s strategy # 13: Play a lot.
What humans can learn from it: Playtime is just as important as work; put it in your calendar.
Toby’s strategy # 14: Run for fun.
What humans can learn from it: We were born to move; so move for fun and not because you have to.
Have you learned something from your pet? Share it with us by leaving a comment below.