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5 Reasons You Should Have Pomegranates on Your Shopping List

Are pomegranates on your shopping list? They should be…

The pomegranate is a super-juicy fruit that contains a maze of seeds inside of inedible flesh covered in a bark-like skin. The parts eaten are the juice, pulp, and seeds.

The pomegranate is a wonderful addition to the more traditional winter fruits as it’s typically in season from September to February in the Northern Hemisphere and from March to May in the Southern Hemisphere.

When shopping for pomegranates choose fruits that are heavy for their size, with a bright color and blemish-free skin.

Here are 5 reasons you should have pomegranates on your shopping list:

1. They taste great.

The taste of pomegranates varies depending on ripeness and variety. They can be either very sweet or very sour with many variations in between.

2. They are full of awesome nutrients.

Key nutrients in pomegranates include calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B complex, vitamin E. They also contain important phytochemicals including beta-carotene, chlorogenic acid, pectin, anthocyanins, phytosterols, and tannin.

3. They are high in fiber.

Most of that fiber, however, is contained in the white crunchy seeds. So don’t discard them, they are good for you :).

4. They are versatile.

The pulp and seeds of pomegranates can be eaten on their own or added to salads, dressings, and desserts. They are also a part of the soup and main dish recipes in many cultures around the world.

5 . They are inexpensive and easy to store.

Ripe pomegranates will keep well in a fridge for up to a month. You can also pack the seeds into an airtight container and keep it in the freezer for up to 3 months. Since pomegranates stay fresh for so long, you can keep the costs down by buying them in bulk.

Be careful when de-seeding a pomegranate – bright red pomegranate juice may stain your clothing and counter tops!

To de-seed a pomegranate:

  • Cut the crown end of the pomegranate and discard;
  • Score the rind of the pomegranate in several places, but be sure not to cut all the way through;
  • Break apart the rind of the pomegranate and remove seeds from membrane.


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